Náchod, Královéhradecký kraj.
Czechy ,547 01
Location in relation to the surroundings
The monument is on Masaryk Square in Náchod near the Church of St. Lawrence. Josef Škvorecký was born in Náchod on 27 September 1924. This city is the backdrop to his favorite book.
Text of the inscription
General description
The monument presents Josef Škvorecký sitting in a larger-than-life size on a bench, with his typical glasses, his leg over his leg and his hat lying beside him, his back to the Náchod castle. The monument is made of cast iron. The bench is approximately two meters wide.
The circumstances of unveiling
The memorial was unveiled on 11 May 2014. The statue competition was announced by the city for a monument dedicated to the famous native. The winning design was submitted by sculptor MgA. Josef Faltus from Záryb near Kostelec nad Labem, who created the design based on contemporary photographs. The monument cost a total of 816 750 CZK. It was unveiled on the occasion of the opening of the 17th Náchod Prima Season of Student Creativity Festival.
Later history
At the memorial are held memorial events of Josef Škvorecký, who is perceived in Nachod as the most important native.
Contemporary importance
The Josef Škvorecký Memorial is the starting point for a nature trail that guides visitors through the starting points of the writer's books. The town has published a guide for tourists through Náchod, where individual places are brought closer.